Please drop your queries on -
1. System generated Receipt no and Book no saved while receipt entry instead of preprinted one.
2. TDS amount entry is made compulsory after checking the TDS check box while receipt.
3. For compounding charges receipt as per circular No 202 fraction amount is restricted and it should be multiple of 1000.
4. Compound charges receipt will be accepted by cash/DD payment only.
5. New Service Connection Supervision charges can be punched only for new connection not for live consumer.
6. For existing live consumer SD can be accepted with receipt type as ‘05’ (additional Security Deposit ) only. And for NSC consumers First SD can be accepted with receipt type as ‘03’ .
7. Energy receipt for dummy consumer is restricted.
8. NSC receipt for dummy consumer is restricted.
9. Receipt type 27- Solar pump beneficiary and 29-Roof top solar registration for dummy consumer are restricted.
10. New Connection receipt cannot be punched with dummy consumer number.
Your username and password will be sent on your email, Only for Non MSEDCL users.
You can accept AG Solar Beneficiary Consumers Payment in OCCS against Receipt Type 27. If the Quotation has Consumer Number printed, accept payment against that Consumer Number. If Consumer Number is not printed, enter Dummy Consumer Number, select Receipt Type 27 in Other Types and accept payment. Beneficiary ID is mandatory.
1.माननीय वीज नियामक आयॊगाच्या आदेश दिनांक ०१.०३.२०२३ नुसार, दिनांक ०१.०८.२०२३ पासून लघुदाब कृषी श्रेणी व्यतिरिक्त इतर सर्व ग्राहकांसाठी रोखीत मासिक वीज बिल भरण्यासाठी कमाल मर्यादा रु. ५,०००/- व लघुदाब कृषी श्रेणीतील ग्राहकांसाठी कमाल मर्यादा रु. १०,०००/- इतकी राहील.
As per Hon'ble MERC order dt. 31/03/2023 Monthly energy bill receipt in cash is limited to Rs.5,000/- for all consumers other than LT agriculture category and Rs.10,000/- for LT agriculture category consumers w.e.f 01/08/2023
2. महावितरणने निर्गमित केलेल्या अतिरिक्त सुरक्षा ठेवीच्या देयकांच्या अनुषंगाने असे सूचित करण्यात येते की,
ग्राहकांकडून बिल स्विकारताना काळजीपूर्वक तपासून योग्य तो पावती प्रकार निवडून पावती बनवावी.
१. ऊर्जा देयक (Energy Bill) करिता पावती प्रकार Type (01).
२. अतिरिक्त सुरक्षा ठेव (Additional Security Deposit Bill ) करिता पावती प्रकार Type (05).